
Softshare's (www.softshare.com) VAN prices are incredibly reasonable. There are no hidden costs such as monthly interconnect fees, peak time rates, or connection charges, and Softshare never charges for Functional Acknowledgments. Headquartered in Santa Barbara, California, Softshare has more than 20,000 clients using its various network, software, and EC services.
Softshare's VAN is government FACNET certified meaning they meet higher than usual standards for a VAN of reliability, redundancy, etc. to carry government EDI traffic. They have servers on-site in Santa Barbara and off-site out of area backup servers. A large block of Softshare VAN customers are suppliers to the government DOD, GSA, VA and state institutions as well. Notable commercial hub companies supported include REI, Miller Brewing, Tech-Data, Allegiance/Cardinal Healthcare and Smith & Hawkins.
A listing of major VAN interconnects and major trading partners can be viewed at www.softshare.com/tp
Putting the "Value-Added" into Network
A good network delivers e-commerce documents from point A to point B in a timely and reliable fashion. But a great network, like Softshare's, does so much more.
Softshare eService Protection
We've created a central online resource that you can use to view, track, and summarize your EDI activity. Called Softshare e-service, you can access this Web site any time, any day to run a wide variety of management reports or restage EDI documents.
Mailbox Manager
Another inventive value-added service that we offer is Mailbox Messenger. You tell us what documents are important to you (e.g. purchase orders from your biggest customer) and we'll alert you via e-mail the moment one arrives.
Softshare has two network services to protect your mailbox from viruses and spam. Softshare MailGuard blocks potentially harmful attachments from reaching your mailbox. Our spam screening service lets you restrict incoming mail to select e-mail addresses and domains.